Аксесоари за мотокари за мотокарни тухли за закрепване на блок
Предимства на продукта Shantui 3 тона мотокар тухлена скоба Китай Xinchai c490 двигателно оборудване с Китай Xinchai C490 двигател, хидравлична трансмисия, САЩ EATON хидравлично подпомаган кормилен клапан, маслена помпа SHIMADZU, шаси с пълно окачване. Използва се широко за предаване на всякакви стоки, като напр. палети, стомана, тухли и т.н. Shantui си сътрудничи с KOMATSU повече от 30 години, всички продукти са направени по стандарт KOMATSU. Модел на двигателя XINCHAI C490 Номинална мощност 40/2650 Kw/rpm Номинален въртящ момент 165/1800 N·m/rpm Брой цилиндъри 4 Диаметър × ход 90 × 105 mm Обем на 2,7 L Размери Височина на повдигане ...

Въртяща се плъзгаща хидравлична бетонна тухлена скоба за мотокар
Features: *Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. *Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. *Regenerative hydraulic valuing for optimal arm speed. *Durable contact pads, reliable clamping. *Excellent driver visibility. Specification Capacity/ Load Center (kg@mm) Type Mounting Class Opening Range (mm) Arm Height (mm) Arm Length (mm) Frame Width (mm) Overall Height (mm) Weight (kg) Effective Thickness (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (mm) 2700/500 CKS30D-001A II 290-1610 128 1100 1016 710 500 145 220 2700/500 CKS30D-002A II 290-1610 242 1100 ...

Скоби за мотокари или за тухли за закрепване 2.5t Неподвижни скоби за мотокари
Product Description Forklift attachments 1. Proven and well designed arms and T-shape arm bars ensure smooth moving and good durability. 2. Special designed check valve provide sideshifting without the third cylinder. 3. Low profile frame for good visibility over the clamp. 4. Superior slide bearing promises extended service life. 5. High quality PU/Nylon contact pads to ensure reliable clamping. 6. Regenerative hydraulic valve for optimal arm speed. 7. 2 pieces of truck auxiliary valves are necessary. 140bar≤ Working Pressure ≤ ...

Хидравлична скоба за закрепване на мотокар
Application Block clamp can efficiently and saftly clamp various stone and block units. It is applied in fields like brickm, hollow block prefab contrete, and stone slab, etc. Non pallet conveying and stacking process. Features Adopt full steel complete frame, high density, can meet the requirement of high forcing performance. Self-lubricate sliding brace, installation firm and stable, longer life-span. Unique hydraulic design, ensuring moving right and left smoothly while clamping status, easy to lay out. Optimized structure ensure nice visual ...

Висококачествени блокови скоби за мотокари за мотокари за продажба
Features 1.Structure with complete steel and high strength meets special requirements. 2.Structural designation makes field of vision widely for operator. 3.Used removable type article wear-resisting, after wearing is easy to replace economic and practical. 4.Can be rotated and field to make effective if needed. Specification Capacity Range (kg) Model Holding Width (mm) Lifting Height (mm) Tilting Angle Rotating Angle Telescopic Length (mm) 5000-8000 BTC-GX Min 240x4=960 Max 240x6=1140 5600 6-12° 90-120° 400-800 Videos Obtain the actual capacity of the forklift ...

Бетонни тухли за хидравличен мотокар / повдигаща блокче
Features 1.Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. 2.Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. 3.Regenerative hydraulic valuing for optimal arm speed. 4.Durable contact pads, reliable clamping. 5.Excellent driver visibility. Specification Capacity/ Load Center (kg@mm) Type Mounting Class Opening Range (mm) Arm Height (mm) Arm Length (mm) Frame Width (mm) Overall Height (mm) Weight (kg) Effective Thickness (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (mm) 2700/500 CKS30D-001A II 290-1610 128 1100 1016 710 500 145 220 2700/500 CKS30D-002A II 290-1610 242 1100 ...